- Mastering Ladders 

"Mastering Ladders" is a book written by Thomas Wolf, edited by Willian Cobb and published by Slate & Shell 2008. The first part of 32 pages includes the theory about ladders and practical hints towards solving ladder problems. In numerous examples of top professional games it is shown that ladders can not only be crucial but also difficult to compute and that sometimes starting a ladder that can not be won is a key to win a game. In part two of the book 72 ladder problems from very easy to extreme hard are given with solutions and an index allowing the reader to pick a ladder problem from different types. The book comes with a CD including 256,000 computer generated ladder problems of all difficulty levels, several hundred hand-picked ladder problems and over a hundred professional games from the GoGoD CD where ladders played a crucial role.
Unfortunately errors were entered in the editing process which as far as known are corrected here.

Wolf, T., Mastering Ladders, Richmond, VA: Slate & Shell, 106 pages, 2008. ISBN 1-932001-40-9